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Welcome to Oe Lutheran Church!

(Nihon Fukuin Ruteru Oe Kyokai)

A Member of JELC

We are a church practising the love of Christ,

and standing firmly in the tradition of the Lutheran church

and the principles of the Reformation.

Who is JELC( Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church)?


💬 We welcome non-Japanese speakers. See also here.

📖 We have booklets for worship translated into English at Oe chapel. Ask us at the reception desk.


Every Sunday 10:30am-11:45am

at Oe Chapel

Every Saturday 10:30am-11:45am

at Uto Branch Chapel

Everyone is welcome. (All worship services are in Japanese language.)


Rev. Kazuki Nakajima

Rev. Kazuki Nakajima

Born in Hokkaido, Japan.

Graduated from Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tokyo.

Appointed as the pastor of Oe Lutheran Church in April, 2024. Served as the pastor at Sapporo Church, Megumino Church and Hakodate Church in JELC Hokkaido Diocese until then.


Our mission started as the church of Kyushu Gakuin, a Lutheran school established by Rev. Charles L. Brown D.D., in 1921. We later became independent and changed our name to 'Lutheran Oe Church', took from the town's name. In Oe district, there are many schools and cultural facilities. Soho Tokutomi, a christian journalist, lived in Oe and educated his students at his home as a private school called Oe Gijuku. We serve people with the love of Christ and preach the gospel in this historical and academic town.


Is there anyone who speaks English in Oe Church?

Yes. Some members can speak English. Missionaries form the Lutheran Church in America also attend the services at Oe chapel.

I'm not Christian. Can I attend services?

Of course yes. We welcome your attending!

Do you have services in foreign language?

We're sorry, but no. However you can attend the international service at Kumamoto Lutheran Church. See here.


Oe Chapel

4-20-23 Oe, Chuo-ku,

Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto. 862-0971

Uto Branch Chapel

1-67 Honmachi,

Uto-shi, Kumamoto. 869-0431​


*Pastor may use machine translation to reply.


  〒862-0971 熊本県熊本市中央区大江四丁目20-23

  Tel. 096-371-4731 / Fax. 096-274-1222


  〒869-0431 熊本県宇土市本町一丁目67

  Tel. 0964-23-2372

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